Ludunity 发布于2023年11月18日 分享 发布于2023年11月18日 Hello everyone, I hope you're all well. 你好大家,希望大家都身体健康。 EN I'm on the lookout for talented and skilled developers who may be browsing this forum, known to be one of the largest public forums for discussion. I seek nothing but to assist you. My team can help you create media, Market your product on a discord server that is ready for any marketing needs, and a website being made for whatever the product is. Further details can be expressed privately, please directly send a discord message and do not leave any contact information below as i do not want you to be prone to any scammers CN 我正在寻找在这个论坛中可能正在浏览的有才华、熟练的开发者,这个论坛被认为是最大的公共讨论论坛之一。我 唯一的目的是为了帮助你。我的团队可以帮助你创建媒体,将你的产品推广到一个为任何营销需求准 备好的 Discord 服务器,并为产品制作网站。更多细节可以私下交流,请直接发送 Discord 消息,不要在下面留下任何联系信息,因为我不希望你容易受到任何骗子的侵害。 Thank you and i wish you all well / 谢谢,祝大家一切顺利. Discord: yakindose 意见的链接